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Dragon Ball Z: Worst Characters, Ranked. From the fertile mind of Akira Toriyama, the Dragon Ball franchise is filled to the brim with a pantheon of unbelievably creative characters.
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From basic martial artists to monsters straight out of Toriyama’s literal nightmares, there’s an entire army of well- developed and well- loved characters. However, with such a glut of humans, animals, dinosaurs, and aliens, some inevitably fall to the lower- end of the quality spectrum.

To qualify for positions on this article, the characters needed to be annoying, under- developed, or generally pointless to the series. While the breadth of available content is staggering, we’re going to be focusing specifically on the exploits of the characters in Dragon Ball Z. Despite this, events from Dragon Ball, Super, and the various films may be mentioned in order to paint a better picture. With that said, let’s get started with the 1. My Cousin Vinny Full Movie here. Worst Characters in Dragon Ball Z, Ranked.
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Yamcha. Yamcha is a long- standing character who was first introduced as a thief in the original Dragon Ball. He eventually gives this up to become a martial artist with the young Goku and Krillin, and ends up being Bulma’s long- time boyfriend. Shortly into the run of Dragon Ball Z, Yamcha’s relevance quickly dwindles. His fighting abilities don’t match up to the other characters, and he finds himself getting beaten a lot. Eventually, the writing team gives up on him, realizing that the rest of the cast deserved more focus and development, leaving poor Yamcha in the dust. To add insult to injury, Bulma breaks up with him and ends up with the man generally responsible for his first death: Vegeta. Watch High Crimes Online Hitfix. Ouch. However, if there’s one positive thing to be said about Yamcha, it’s that he himself realizes he is a garbage fighter, but continues to fight anyway, even going toe- to- toe with Cell.
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This takes guts and deserves respect, knowing full well that yet another death is around the corner. Garlic Jr. Garlic Jr. He stars in the first Dragon Ball Z film, the excellent Dead Zone, and then goes on to have his own saga in the series proper. Alas, the Garlic Jr. Saga is of the most banal strain of filler in the franchise, and generally the most disliked. The distaste for the character mostly stems from this boring saga, which drags out the time between Goku’s defeat of Frieza all the way to his eventual return (and the introduction of the extremely cool Trunks.)Interestingly, Garlic Jr. Dragon Balls, a feat that not even the most monstrous were capable of.
This, along with his significant strength and affinity for attracting henchmen named after various spices, should be enough to cement him as a well- liked villain, but instead he finds himself in one of those wrong- place/wrong- time situations, forever doomed to be locked in the “dead zone” of the most boring saga in the greatest action cartoon of all time. Yajirobe. Like Yamcha, Yajirobe started his tenure as a fixture in DBZ way back in Dragon Ball. Watch Smash &Amp; Grab: The Story Of The Pink Panthers Streaming.
He was a ronin who, despite being overweight, was a surprisingly powerful fighter, even saving Goku’s life in the King Piccolo Saga. When we get to DBZ, Yajirobe retains his trademark laziness, but still tries to remain relevant by going as far as training for the arrival of the Saiyans (although this “training” mostly consisted of eating) and even saving the day by cutting off Vegeta’s tail, ending his destructive Oozaru transformation. From this point on, however, he is essentially relegated to getting peed on by baby Trunks, with the character becoming yet another purposeless individual in an ever- increasing roster of better and stronger characters. Poor guy. Although the dub’s intent on making a stoned surfer dude was a valiant one, nothing could prop up Yajirobe from the pit of mediocrity.
Videl. Videl is another sorry case. She has so much going for her— being a skilled martial artist, daughter of Hercule Satan, eventual wife of Gohan, and a part- time superhero. In her most interesting moment, she is taught how and why the Z Fighters are able to soar through the air and fire bursts of energy from their palms. Where does she go wrong? Her being on this list isn’t the fault of her character, but rather that of the writers. She’s given a great start and the promise of interesting arcs. Unfortunately, whatever momentum was being built up is tossed to the wind in order to shift focus away from her onto other characters, essentially causing her to narratively wither up and die.
Maybe they were just mad at her for making it seem like it was not only possible to shoot ki and fly, but easy. This is a treachery not taken lightly. Android 1. 9It’s not a matter of Android 1. Instead, Android 1. Android 2. 0, also known as Dr. Gero, is a creepy and cold mad scientist who sets the Cell Saga in motion.
Androids 1. 7 and 1. Android 1. 6 ends up with one of the best character arcs in the series, and his atypical personality, coupled with his immense strength, make a memorable and great character. Then there’s Cell, a genetically- engineered bio- mechanical terror, designed solely to know the Z fighters, take advantage of their weaknesses, and kill them by using their own reverse- engineered techniques. Android 1. 9, on the other hand, does nothing of value other than having a scary voice and serving as the dirt beneath Super Saiyan Vegeta’s boot heel. Burter & Jeice.
The Ginyu Force is one of the more iconic groups of villains in DBZ. They’re a deadly fighting group, considered Frieza’s elites, but are also hysterically embarrassing with their incessant Super Sentai- styled posing. Ginyu, their leader, has the ability to switch bodies with an adversary at will, Guldo has the ability to stop time, and Recoome is the big, dumb brute of the group. What about Burter and Jeice? Despite slick designs, these members lack any real unique skills and powers, and end up being dealt with swiftly and violently. Sure, Burter supposedly has super- speed, but it’s nothing compared to Goku.
Even when the two use their team- up Purple Comet Attack, they’re no match for the Saiyan. Vegeta then proceeds to mercilessly execute them, likely putting them out of their misery, considering that the weakest member of the Ginyu Force; the squat Guldo, manages to nearly kill Gohan and Krillin, while they couldn’t harm a fly.
King Cold. You’d think that being the father of the most feared tyrant in countless galaxies and the ruler of the largest planet- trading empire in existence would make you a force to be reckoned with, but you would be wrong. Introduced at the start of the Trunks Saga, King Cold has his son, Frieza, rebuilt as a cyborg, promising vengeance against not only Goku, but the Earth as well.
At the time, this was bone- chilling for viewers, considering that Frieza was the most frighteningly powerful adversary that had yet been seen. The thought of him being rebuilt and accompanied by his likely- more- powerful father was nightmare material. These fears would be put aside, however, as a lone swordsman, Future Trunks would obliterate Frieza and a begging King Cold in moments. In the end, King Cold was nothing more than an undeveloped, overblown threat that didn’t come close to matching up with what was expected. He was forgotten almost as soon as he was introduced. Kid Trunks. Trunks is one of the most developed characters in the saga. Hailing from the future and wielding a sword, he made an indelible mark on the fans for how swiftly (and violently) he dealt with the the above foes.
Better yet, his more grown- up form, after intensely training with Vegeta, was able to reach a new level of power, pushing the Super Saiyan state to its limits. That leaves us with Kid Trunks. Far removed from his future stint as blade- master and jacked Ascended Saiyan, Kid Trunks is a somewhat obnoxious youngster who has a troublemaker’s streak and too much power for his age.