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The Ark Of The Covenant Has Been Discovered Two Millenia Ago And Is Found In Bethlehem And With Its Discovery Expect A Coming War And Heavy Persecution. By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)Many labored in finding the lost Ark when this whole time it was placed right in front of them in Bethlehem two millennia ago. One secret that is rarely understood to finding this Ark was hidden in Psalm 1. In what is probably the least read verses in Scripture we find it: 1 Lord Jehovah, remember David and all his affliction! 2 For he swore to Lord Jehovah and vowed to the God of Jacob: 3 “I shall not enter to the roof of my house; I shall not ascend to the mattress of my bed,” 4 “I shall not give sleep to my eyes, neither slumber to my eyebrows” 5 “Until I find a place for Lord Jehovah and a tent for the God of Jacob“. 6 Behold, we heard it in Ephrata and we found it in the fields.
We shall enter his tabernacle and we shall worship at the stool of his feet. 8 Arise, Lord Jehovah, to your rest, you and the ark of your might! 9 Your priests will wear righteousness and your righteous ones - glory. 1. Because of David your Servant, do not turn away the face of your Anointed. 1. Lord Jehovah has sworn to David in truth and he will not turn from it: “One from the fruits of your loins I shall set upon your throne“. 1. If your sons will keep my covenant - this testimony that I teach them, some also of their children will dwell to the eternity of eternitiesupon your throne” 1.
Because Lord Jehovah is pleased in Zion and he chose it a dwelling place.” 1. This is my rest to an eternity of eternities; here I shall sit because I desired it.” 1. And I shall bless her game and her poor ones I shall satisfy with bread“. 1. I shall clothe her priests with salvation and her righteous ones in glory”. 1.
Part 1. January 17, 2012. Malachy’s head was spinning; he was short of breath, gasping, and a cold chill flushed his face. He wondered: was he about to meet the. By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Many labored in finding the lost Ark when this whole time it was placed right in front of them in Bethlehem two millennia ago. 10/21:華和茶会民族系アンビエントlive. 告知. 10/21にn.a.s.s.とのコラボレーションで、華和茶会エスニックアンビエントliveを.
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There I shall make the trumpet of David shine and I will shine a lamp for his Anointed.” 1. And I shall clothe his enemies in shame, and upon him my holiness will flourish.” (Psalm 1. Aramaic Bible)Wow! This packs some heavy clues. Today few pay attention to, especially when the text speaks of the Ark resting in Ephrata (Bethlehem). Even the best of Protestant commentaries, Barnes’ Notes on the Bible is confused on how to interpret these verses since historically the Ark if the Covenant never rested in Bethlehem Ephratah: Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah – Most probably this is the language of the contemporaries of David; or this is what they might be supposed to say; or this is what tradition reports that they did say. David’s purpose, as referred to in the previous verses, is not recorded in the history, and the memory of the whole transaction may have been handed down by tradition. Or, this may be merely poetic language, expressing the feelings of those who, when sent out by David, or accompanying him, found the ark.
Much difficulty has been felt in regard to this verse. There is no mention in the history of the fact that the ark was “heard of” at Ephrata, or that it was ever there. The name Ephrata – אפרתה ‘ephrâthâh – is applied. He jotted several presumptions and concluded that the verse is difficult to interpret. But the Bible is perfectly accurate. If the Ark rested in Bethlehem then it did.
You might quickly and prematurely say that the Ark here is Christ Who rested in Bethlehem. But this interpretation presents a major problem for Bible scholars. Take the same Albert Barnes (1. Barnes Notes, he knows that such an interpretation sets a major trap; how could this Ark in Psalm 1.
Christ when it accompanied Christ Himself in heaven? Pay close attention: “Rise up, Lord [Christ], come to Your resting place, Youand Your powerful ark”. Watch Little Monsters Hindi Full Movie more. We do not have two Messiahs. There is only one. And what is this ark all about? Here: “Lord Jehovah, remember David and all his affliction! I shall not enter to the roof of my house; I shall not ascend to the mattress of my bed. I shall not give sleep to my eyes, neither slumber to my eyebrows Until I find a place for Lord Jehovah and a tent for the God of Jacob.“God remembers the suffering of David “Lord Jehovah, remember David and all his affliction”.
He vows He will not ascend until He first descends and finds an earthly vessel, a tabernacle for a dwelling “for the God of Jacob” Who is Christ. And this dwelling houses is for the God of Jacob (Christ) which is specifically announced to be in Bethlehem: “Behold, we heard it in Ephrata and we found it in the fields.” This is the Angelic Proclamation to the Shepherds where the shepherds heard of it (the Ark) in the Shepherd’s Fields in Bethlehem “Behold, we heard it in Ephrata and we found it in the fields.” Therefore, this Ark pertains to the one Who housed Christ.
This would be Mary when She arrived in Bethlehem Ephratah. God even had angels proclaim to shepherds to “go up to Bethlehem Ephratah” from the Shepherds Fields when she gave birth to the Messiah. As the text so clearly reveals, there was only one “dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob” that is “the ark in Ephrathah [Bethlehem]” where God commanded “do not reject Your anointed one” Who can only be the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the living God housed in His Mother’s womb.
The rarely read Psalm 1. LORD” (Christ) who “arises” in the resurrection and ascends to the right hand of the Father will not rest until He dwells in the “ark” which is later taken up after He completes His mission fulfilling the suffering of David “Lord Jehovah, remember David and all his affliction.”This ark was what held the Word of the New Covenant which is Christ Himself Whom was found for Him a tabernacle (Mary) and was heard of in Bethlehem’s Shepherd’s Fields. So He ascends and this tabernacle, the tent that housed Him (Mary) will also be assumed to heaven which is His house: “I shall not enter to the roof [top] of my house; I shall not ascend to the mattress of my bed …” And may I remind, throughout the Psalms, David’s contemplations are Christ’s. From this there is no escape; this prophecy is as powerful as Micah 5. But it also speaks of Mother Mary. This is why many of the later scholars like Albert Barnes and other interpreters finagle the meaning claiming “Much difficulty has been felt in regard to this verse”; but all Bible scholars knew that the apostolic succession church believed the Ark was Mary and they did everything in their power to cover it up. Unless we have the right piece of the puzzle we cannot interpret or even find the true Christ.
To find Him, you must also find the Ark. Yet many interpret this Ark to be either a box or Jesus. But the box never rested in Bethlehem. Jesus is not the Ark as Psalm 1. Messiahs. However, Jesus did reside in Mary’s womb. Can any Christian deny that?
But God forbid we examine this one because this became a major controversial topic only in the 1. Ark was strictly interpreted as Jesus. But the Bible is a puzzle where any wrong piece will distort the entire image.
The world is filled with millions of babies who do not know how to put a simple puzzle together. By missing this crucial piece no one can put the prophetic puzzle together. So lets find other pieces many miss and get back to this hotly debated topic, keeping in mind that the first hotly debated topic ended up with only Noah winning while the earth with its entire population drowned to death (truth is not a majority vote).
ONLY THE TRUE CHURCH SUFFERS“Remember David and all his affliction.” Psalm 1. David’s afflictions where the text swings from heaven towards earth and then earth towards heaven. This type of expression has a purpose. Christ asked Paul: “why do you persecute me?” Paul asked, “Who are you, Lord?” And Christ responded: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”. Paul was abusing Jesus yet he was not, directly that is, but here we have Jesus from Heaven itself is now on earth and is speaking to Paul, on earth, and is saying that He is being actively persecuted by Paul!