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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 1. END CODA. END “ENGAGING THE ENEMY” ARC. THE END! 😀Want more Young Protectors? You don’t have to wait! The next Young Protectors story arc is called “Legendary,” it’s a fun, sexy arc that focuses on Kyle and Spooky Jones, and it’s currently posting twice a week! I explain more below and here’s the link to the first page! So, this is it! The end of the “Engaging the Enemy” arc of The Young Protectors! A complete 5. 00+ page full- color webcomic featuring LGBT superheroes—which has been supported by the most thoughtful, and most wonderful readers in the world.
As I’m sure you know, a lot of webcomics never finish at all. And the truth is, none of this would have been possible without your support. Your enthusiasm for the comic has made these last 5 years a joy and a privilege for Adam, Vero, and me. Thank you so much for being with us on this journey! You are all superheroes! Can I get a trade paperback of “Engaging the Enemy”? You can get Volume One of The Young Protectors: Engaging the Enemy right now at my store.
The new SundanceTV show Liar focuses on the aftermath of a date a teacher has with the father of one of her student's that becomes a sprawling crime. Flyboy earns the respect of his peers in the 525th page of Alex Woolfson's gay superhero comic The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy. The "Engaging the Enemy" arc ends with the 539th page of Alex Woolfson's gay superhero comic The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy. Directed by Mark Mylod. With Rachael Taylor, Jesse Williams, Zach Woods, Elizabeth Tulloch. A comedy that revolves around the professional and personal lives of three. Watch Online Watch Dispatch Full Movie Online Film.
That premium- quality, trade paperback comprises the Prologue, Chapter One, the Interlude, and the Spooky Commander Bonus Comic (plus some special features not found here on the site.)The remaining chapters of the “Engaging the Enemy” arc will be released in two more volumes to follow. I plan to launch a Kickstarter for Volume Two in the next 6. If you want to be sent an email when that Kickstarter happens, you can join my mailing list. So, what’s next? But we aren’t stopping! We aren’t even taking a break.
We’ve already started the next arc of The Young Protectors: “Legendary.”You can get to the first page by clicking the Comics menu up above, and choosing “The Young Protectors: Legendary” from the submenu. Watch Swing Vote Mediafire on this page. Here’s a direct link to the first page.
I’ve also created a special link to the most current page of “Legendary” that you can bookmark (just like we had with “Engaging the Enemy.”)Here it is: http: //webcomics. If you don’t know how to make that work, please check out the instructions in our FAQ. What’s “Legendary” about?“Legendary” is a shorter arc of The Young Protectors comprising just 3 chapters. Once finished, it will be published as a single, super- sized (8. I did with Artifice). The first chapter will feature linework by guest artist Julie Wright (“Truth or Dare“) while “Engaging the Enemy” penciler Adam De. Kraker takes a short break.
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Adam will resume his duties with Chapters 2 and 3. And Veronica Gandini will continue her awesome coloring work throughout all 3 chapters. I don’t want to give too much away at this point, but this arc is going to focus on the Kyle/Spooky relationship and on Spooky Jones’ character in particular.

There will be romance, and there will be superhero action. Oh, and it’s going to be the sexiest comic I’ve ever made. Sexy?! What do you mean “Legendary” is going to be the “sexiest comic you’ve ever made”? As you know, I don’t show uncovered weenies in our pages here. I do that for a variety of reasons, but mostly it comes down to wanting our comics to be as accessible to as many people as possible. By not showing explicit visuals here, folks of all ages (as well as our international readers) can enjoy the comic without legal trouble for them… or for me. But one of the biggest requests I consistently receive is to show uncensored sex scenes.
I’ve been thinking about it for some time, and I’m curious to give it a try, to see if it’s something that would be fun for y’all. And, as it turns out, due to its focus on romance, the “Legendary” arc is the perfect story to experiment with this. Other webcomics, like Teahouse, have saved their sex scenes for their printed books—and I considered following their lead—but I’ve realized that our Patreon page actually gives me the opportunity to share the art for these scenes with y’all immediately, without having to worry about age- restrictions.
And this comic wouldn’t even be possible if it weren’t for the support of our Patrons! So I’m always on the lookout for new ways to show my gratitude.)I can show tamer pages here and, for those who’d like to see more, the uncensored pages with be available on Patreon. Which will hopefully feel like an especially fun reward.
Exactly how sexy will these scenes be? The uncensored pages will show everything.
Full nudity, including the D. Tasteful, but explicit sex, with nothing hidden behind potted plants and the like. The whole enchilada. So, is “Legendary”… porn?
This is still me (Alex Woolfson), writing the story. Yes, there will be especially sexy scenes that you will hopefully find especially appealing. But there are also important plot developments for our characters and the overall The Young Protectors story.
While this new comic has a strong focus on romance and intimacy, it’s still a regular Young Protectors arc. There will be character growth, the “feels,” and even some superhero action. It is meant to appeal to y’all on every level, not just the physical. All my comics have sexy scenes, and the story in “Legendary” is just as important as it was for Artifice and the “Engaging the Enemy” arc. I’ll just be showing more. Who are the artists for “Legendary”?
A couple years ago, Adam De. Kraker (penciler for The Young Protectors) approached me and asked if he could take some time off after the “Engaging the Enemy” arc finished before starting up again. Of course, I said “yes,” but I know how important this community is for y’all, so I tried to think up a short comic that I could hire a guest artist for during Adam’s absence. That’s where the idea for “Legendary” started. But before I knew it, my “short comic” script had blossomed into a full blown, three chapter arc! So here’s how things are going to work: For Chapter One of “Legendary,” Veronica Gandini will continue to provide her amazing colors, and The Young Protectors guest artist Julie Wright (“Truth or Dare“, “Interlude 2“) will be creating the linework.
Julie has a lot of experience creating NSFW comics, and I think you’re really going to like what she adds to this arc. Once Chapter One is complete, Adam will return to work with Vero on Chapters Two and Three, expanding on and then finishing the story—and, of course, bringing his own, brilliant, highly detailed style to the sexy times! So you’ll get to see all the new hotness with two different art styles.
At what level of Patreon support, will I get to see the uncensored pages?