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Monday morning, 9: 1. AMIn fact, I guarantee what I’ll share here will accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth… and positively change your life… in ways that will absolutely astound you. There’s a war going on inside your brain!
Are you winning? Find out here…Who you are–and everything you experience–starts with your brain: your moods, relationships, energy level, creativity, intelligence, and ability to… [read more]There’s a war going on inside your brain! Are you winning? Find out here…Who you are–and everything you experience–starts with your brain: your moods, relationships, energy level, creativity, intelligence, and ability to learn. Your brain determines your personality, motivation, confidence, persistence, happiness, inner peace–and your ability to love and be loved…If you’re anxious, unhappy, or unproductive……that, too, comes from your brain. We all have brain areas that aren’t working optimally. A scan of your brain would reveal that some parts aren’t working at full strength, while others are overactive. ADD, anger, fear, confusion, bad decisions, learning problems, lack of concentration, procrastination, motivation and confidence difficulties, an inability to stick to diet and exercise resolutions, and many other common life challenges……are the result of less- than- optimal brain function. Luckily, this can be changed–and often quite easily.
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Why? Because of your brain’s neuroplasticity–its ability to change in response to any repeated stimuli, thought, sensory impression, movement, or action. Practice the piano every day and your brain turns over more neurons to pushing the right keys, playing the correct rhythm, hearing the music, and so on. Repeatedly think kind and compassionate thoughts and your brain becomes better at creating kindness and compassion. Think anxious, fearful, or angry thoughts, though, and your brain will become better at being anxious, fearful, and angry. With the right stimuli you can change your brain, and in doing so……change your life. Two parts of the brain are especially important, often competing with each other (like the little devil and angel on each shoulder often seen in cartoons). Which part dominates……has a huge effect on your life, yourhappiness, and your effectiveness.
Because of neuroplasticity, though, if the wrong part is running your life you can do something about it. Let’s take a closer look: Your limbic system, a more primitive part of your brain, instantly responds to danger–the famous “fight or flight” response–obviously important when we encounter real danger. Unfortunately, in today’s stressful world, this fight or flight stress response often won’t turn off. We respond to many everyday events–being cut off in traffic, losing our keys, a disagreement with our partner, or a normal disappointment……as if these things were life- threatening saber- toothed tigers. Eventually, fight or flight becomes our underlying baseline experience and……we don’t even notice it. What’s more, the constant stream of stress chemicals creates many common health problems–which we also come to think of as “normal”. Your limbic system is great for fast decisions–if they involve fighting or fleeing.

And because it causes blood to flow to your extremities (so you can fight or flee) and away from your brain, you can’t think clearly or make good decisions. Another problem: your limbic system has zero ability to see or allow for potential consequences. When it’s active you’re drawn to eat the wrong foods (or too much of them), blow off exercising, check Facebook instead of working on your goals, and say or do things you later regret. Watch Zombi Holocaust IMDB. Your limbic system inundates you with desires in any given moment and, for many people (especially if their prefrontal cortex is weak)……it compels them to act. As Oscar Wilde once said, “I can resist anything, except temptation.”How we handle such temptations has a lot to do with our success in life, and certainly with our ability to successfully make the decisions that lead to the outcomes we would choose……if we stepped back and consideredour choices more rationally. This “reward and temptation” system is involved whenever we’re faced with a decision about whether or not to eat something we know is unhealthy, will make us fat, or is in some other way harmful to us (even though it might taste yummy). It’s also involved when we blow off exercising, lose our temper, break a New Year’s resolution, procrastinate instead of working toward our goals, or put off working toward any desired long- term outcome……for a perceived short- term pleasure.
So how does this reward system work? Nick Full Movie. Why is it so darned tempting? And, how can we stop it from operating on autopilot, where we unconsciously make choices we later regret? Let’s look more closely at that little Temptation Devil on your shoulder.
Whenever you notice something that could potentially provide a reward, your brain makes it very difficult to resist that (potential) reward by releasing a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine causes the brain to……pay attention! Dopamine is the limbic system’s secret weapon. It creates intense desire. It doesn’t, though, actually provide a reward. It doesn’t make you happy, or satisfied. It does, though, create tremendous arousal.
When under the spell of dopamine you feel highly alert and awake. You feel aroused. You might even say captivated.
Dopamine makes us seek,crave, want, and desire. Dopamine is all about anticipating potential pleasure, but the immediate experience of dopamine isn’t exactly pleasurable.
Let’s look at a common example. When we fall hopelessly in love, all we can think about is being with our beloved. That delicious anticipation creates tremendous motivation, allowing you to think of all kinds of strategies to please and spend more time with your beloved. In some ways this felt good, but if you think about it you’ll realize that there’s also an underlying anxiety.
As a fool in love you experienced anticipation, not pleasure. When and if the actual pleasure came, it was created……in a completely differentpart of your brain. Dopamine causes you to become fixated on getting whatever triggered the dopamine release, whether it was a sexy smile, a promise of saving money on something, a yummy food, or an online seminar that promises to make you rich. Dopamine creates tremendous motivation to act. The real question, though, is whether or not dopamine motivates you to act in ways that ultimately benefit you and make your life better. Does it motivate you to act in ways you’d act……when you were in a more rational state of mind? Or, does it motivate you to eat foods that make you fat (or are bad for you in other ways), spend hours checking Facebook when you’d planned to work on your business, blow off your exercise goals in favor of something less productive……Or spend money you don’thave on something youdon’t really need?
Make no mistake about it. Dopamine is a powerful drug. Watch Willow Creek Tube Free. It’s hard to resist. Mice who learned to push a lever to get a squirt of dopamine in their brains were so motivated (driven?) by the dopamine that they were willing to cross an electrified grid (over and over) to get to the lever……until their little feet wereburned to a crisp! And of course the addictive nature of dopamine doesn’t apply just to mice.
MTV Original TV Shows, Reality TV Showstuesdays 1. To celebrate the 3. The Challenge, MTV is bringing back the dirtiest and most unpredictable players in The Challenge history for the biggest prize ever - $1 MILLION DOLLARS! This devious bunch will stop at nothing to win the game and compete against each other on The Challenge XXX: Dirty 3. Fifteen men and fifteen women will have to fight their way through some of the craziest, most daring challenges yet.
And with this devious assortment of players, the backstabbing and masterminding will be just as intense off the field as on the field.