Watch Lincoln Online Mic
The Porsche team did a great thing in the 24 Hours of Le Mans this weekend, so let’s go ahead and drool over some various Porsches in celebration. And, of course. For the past 28 years, Lincoln Center's Midsummer Night Swing has been the go-to destination for evening entertainment during the warm summer months. For three weeks. Key observations. Carson came off pretty whiny about the heat. In fairness, I don’t blame him. I get pretty cranky when it gets hot. And I’m not the one playing.
Letters from Mothers to President Lincoln. History. In the summer of 1. Abraham Lincoln was nine years old, his mother, Nancy, caught “the milk- sick,” a then- mysterious disease caused by drinking the milk of cows that had eaten white snakeroot. Watch Online Watch Hamburger Hill Full Movie Online Film. We know it today as brucellosis.) Her breath grew shorter, her skin turned sallow and cold, her pulse faded and slowed. Within a week she was dead. In adulthood, Lincoln confided to a friend about how lonely he felt in the months afterward, and how he found solace in the Bible stories his mother had told him; the words restored her voice to his mind’s ear.
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Watch Lincoln Online Microscope
All that I am, or hope to be,” he said, “I owe to my angel mother.”Doubtless Lincoln thought of his mother when he received letters from women whose sons were fighting in the Civil War. In honor of Nancy Lincoln—and American mothers from every century—we sample below motherly missives to the president. Letters have been edited for length, but retain their original spelling and grammar.***President U States. Hon. A Lincoln. Dear Sir. Will you excuse my daring to address you, and enclosing this petition for my eldest son, for, your kind consideration.
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It will tell you all I need, and allow me to say a few words. I know you will listen to them for you have a kind heart, and my story is a sad one. I am a widow left with only these two sons, who have both left me, to fight for the good cause and I am proud to send them forth allthough they leave me desolate, and, heart broken, as they were all I had, for my support, and were my only hope in this world, but I have given them up, but trust in God's mercy, to return them to me, some day. My eldest son is First Lieut in the 1.
Regiment, and educated for the army wishes a permanent place in it my youngest son, is a Private soldier in Gen Duryea' 5th Regiment Advance Guards, now at Fort Monroe. Proffesion and almost a Phycian.
My health is extremely delicate and if he could only have a higher place than a private in the Regiment, would make me feel better if he could assist in the Medical Staff in the Hospital, perhaps I am wild to ask such things but I know you can do all things.… Dont dear Mr Lincoln refuse to listen to a Widow'ed Mother prayer. Will you look favorable on this petition. Let me ask your forgiveness for trespassing but you will excuse a broken hearted woman. Cornelia Ludlow Beekman. July 1. 86. 1***To: The Hon. Pres. A Lincoln. I humbly pray you to pardon my son Benjamin F Stevens who is under arrest & probably sentenced for going to sleep on guard in the 4. Indiana Vols.… He is but sixteen years of age.
I humbly ever pray. Mrs. Eliza J Stevens.
Seymour, Indiana. April 1. 86. 2***Excellent Sir My good friend says I must write to you and she will send it. My son went in the 5. Massachusetts] regiment. I am a colored woman and my son was strong and able as any to fight for his country and the colored people have as much to fight for as any. My father was a Slave and escaped from Louisiana before I was born morn forty years agone I have but poor edication but I never went to schol, but I know just as well as any what is right between man and man. Now I know it is right that a colored man should go and fight for his country, and so ought to a white man. I know that a colored man ought to run no greater risques than a white, his pay is no greater his obligation to fight is the same. So why should not our enemies be compelled to treat him the same, Made to do it.
My son fought at Fort Wagoner but thank God he was not taken prisoner, as many were I thought of this thing before I let my boy go but then they said Mr. Lincoln will never let them sell our colored soldiers for slaves, if they do he will get them back quck he will rettallyate and stop it. Now Mr Lincoln dont you think you oght to stop this thing and make them do the same by the colored men they have lived in idleness all their lives on stolen labor and made savages of the colored people, but they now are so furious because they are proving themselves to be men, such as have come away and got some edication. It must not be so. You must put the rebels to work in State prisons to making shoes and things, if they sell our colored soldiers, till they let them all go. And give their wounded the same treatment. They tell me some do you will take back the [Emancipation] Proclamation, don't do it. When you are dead and in Heaven, in a thousand years that action of yours will make the Angels sing your praises I know it….
Will you see that the colored men fighting now, are fairly treated. You ought to do this, and do it at once, Not let the thing run along meet it quickly and manfully, and stop this, mean cowardly cruelty. We poor oppressed ones, appeal to you, and ask fair play. Yours for Christs sake. Hannah Johnson. Buffalo, New York. July 1. 86. 3***Sir, I have as you know, a son, an only and most dearly loved son, in the Southern Army; and I know, am well assured that if I can reach Richmond I shall be enabled to procure for him an honorable discharge from the army and an opportunity of being once more united (in a foreign land) to his mother and child. I ask you now for the permit to go south, and oh—Mr Lincoln by the love you bear to your dear ones who are yet spared to you, as well as that you bear for those, that whom God has called to await you in another and a happier world, grant my petition. Let me go, and if I should fail in the main object of my journey—still I shall once more see my child face to face, and his little boy, may take away a memory of his father, which otherwise he may never have. You may trust my honor, for taking nothing contraband, nor compromising my government by letter or word of mouth— Yield to my entreaties and receive the ever grateful remembrance of. Yours Respectfully. Harriette B. Prentice.
Louisville, Kentucky. January 1. 86. 4***dear Sir! Permit me the honor of an interview, with your excellency. I have ventured again alone my Husband’s official duties debar him from accompaning me.
Though my errand in behalf of my Son in- law Capt. John D. O’Connell of the Regular Army—necessitates immediate attention—The Captain’s situation likewise compells his constant presence, where he is in comd. Recruit. g Service of the 1.
Inft. y at Fort Trumbull New London, Conn. I am most happy to inform your Excellency, that I had the pleasure of discharging him, my self from his bandages leather straps! Having been wedged under his dead horse shot under him, but before the fatal ball which did this mischief, it was first crimsoned by passing through the knee of its rider.… While he laid helpless from loss of blood, and wedged under his dead horse, another horse frantic from pain having been shot, plunged over him planting his fore foot over his upper lip from the base of the nose, completely carrying it away from the face, which hung to the cheek by a small fragment of flesh knocking out all his front teeth, out.
When I journed to meet him, he presented a pitiful sight— But after careful watching and constant attention, my noble and daring Son- in- law is now ready to resume Field duties— again— He is not discouragd by his experience in defence of his Flag — And is ready to front the enemy — as soon as he is permitted His younger brother whom I equiped for the Field was killd in battle, with two of my nephews! All three young Lieuts.
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